You ever feel like "why bother"

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14 Sep 2010, 1:17 pm

I've made topics about my school obsession and my first week and how my parents didn't like my obsession. Even doing Math HW a week ahead dad was like "it's not due for 6 days!" I feel lost and like why bother. Ya I could do school work/obsessiveness when they are off at work problem solved but I feel drained from all this. I feel why bother. I need to focus on school but I feel drained and kind of don't want to. Since it usually gets negative comments.

Oh it's not due till Oct/Nov. (for my Research Project.) Plus I feel lost, for me and school it's all or nothing. :-( I get really into it. :-( It doesn't help that Business Ethics is VERY hard. :-( My parents have threatened to take away my laptop 3 times and took it away Labor Day Weekend and said I needed to get away from it. :-( Sadly with me feeling drained (I didn't do much yesterday and NONE today) Dad said "So you are giving up?" I said no. (and left it at that). I feel Darn if I do darn if I don't. You feel put down due to family/obsessive school issue so you don't do much work and do bad on HW/tests parents: Oh you should have studied!! If I toss myself into it OBSESSIVE it'll be parents: You need to get away from it. etc. I'm so lost. :-( I know the whole move out thing. Thanks. I'm just so drained. :-(


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14 Sep 2010, 6:08 pm

When Austin Powers was all the rage, those movies were my special interests. I was going to start a comic book series. My mum said a few nasty things and than my NT sister said that Austin Powers wasn't going to be around, forever. I've announced to them, that I've scrapped the whole idea, two days later. They didn't care. they just went along their business, like typical NT females.

The Family Enigma

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17 Sep 2010, 1:03 pm

Everytime I've strived for something
There always has to be someone to put me down
Happened when I joined yearbook, happened again when I picked up guitar.
People ask why don't you give up?
You will never make it

And some days I listen to them, There is simply no choice but to give in
I can't help it
But sometimes, I let it go like it never was said
And it's the most rewarding of the two, to laugh in the face of negativity

I believe they wish they could have a burning passion
Like me and my music
They have a void that can only be filled by bringing other people down


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17 Sep 2010, 1:13 pm

I spent years doing nothing but asking that question.

The answer is because bothering is more satisfying than not.

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17 Sep 2010, 1:24 pm

Yes I do. I also wonder why even bother apologizing if someone won't get over it and will keep it going and stay mad about it? Or why did I even bother to learn to be flexible and here I see other people not being it? Instead they are stubborn and they are not even on the spectrum.

Why even bother to be nice if other people are just stupid and not nice and irritate me to no end and drive me crazy how they act such as being too sensitive and getting offended for no reason?

Why even bother to socialize if people don't appreciate it and just say "none of your business" or even refuse to answer when they can just say "oh it's personal?' and they are bothered by all the "personal questions" you ask or even get offended for no reason?

Yeah I feel as years go by I am getting less nicer because of all this crap. Maybe one day I won't have one niceness left in me and I will be all bitter and unlikable. I even feel I am more mature and better than lot of other people and feel the superior complex inside me but I never express it.


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17 Sep 2010, 1:58 pm

LayneMeeks wrote:
Everytime I've strived for something
There always has to be someone to put me down
Happened when I joined yearbook, happened again when I picked up guitar.
People ask why don't you give up?
You will never make it

And some days I listen to them, There is simply no choice but to give in
I can't help it
But sometimes, I let it go like it never was said
And it's the most rewarding of the two, to laugh in the face of negativity

I believe they wish they could have a burning passion
Like me and my music
They have a void that can only be filled by bringing other people down

OMG! This is how I feel EXACTLY 100% OMG! I'm so touched!! !! ! This is it EXACTLY!! ! Thank You very much for those kind words. Perhaps my parents feel they can't be as smart as me so they put down my obsessiveness towards school work. I mention OH Statistics! On the news the other day and mention that American Idol is "voluntary Response data" as in people CHOOSE to vote or not vote so the data is bad since it's VOLUNTARY. Dad said what does that have to do with statistics. (I gave up at that point) LOL! Of course neither of my parents graduated high school so YA! for me being in College!! !! :-) Thanks A LOT!


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29 Dec 2010, 2:44 pm

Yes - I feel like this a lot, especially when I got bullied by my ''friends''.

I never got bullied through school, nor college, but as soon as I was 19 and left college and everything, that was when I finally did get bullied, for the first time. I met a couple of girls in college, and they liked me and wanted me to meet up with them at week-ends and hang out (go shopping, go to cinema, go bowling, have McDonalds, ect), and we kept this good friendship up for about a year or so. I gave them birthday and Christmas presents, I got the bus over to see them, I was there for them when they had problems, I was just a mature descent friend - then came a time where I could tell they didn't want me with them anymore. They started being rude to me, and preferred someone else. Then came a day where they were finally ringing my phone up, shouting nasty things down the phone to me, like ''you are a slag'' and ''you are so nasty, b***h!'' (even though I wasn't) and ''you're ugly!'' and ''don't bother coming to see us anymore!'' and ''get a life'' and ''if we ever see you again we are going to beat you up'' and ''we are going to do something awful to you and you don't know it yet'', and other nasty s**t like that. I don't know why they done all that, but they did. I now hate them, and from time to time I remember how good I was at being a friend to them, and I think, ''why did I ever bother to give them the time of day?''

That's what I get for being a good friend.



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29 Dec 2010, 5:23 pm

zeldapsychology wrote:
LayneMeeks wrote:
Everytime I've strived for something
There always has to be someone to put me down
Happened when I joined yearbook, happened again when I picked up guitar.
People ask why don't you give up?
You will never make it

And some days I listen to them, There is simply no choice but to give in
I can't help it
But sometimes, I let it go like it never was said
And it's the most rewarding of the two, to laugh in the face of negativity

I believe they wish they could have a burning passion
Like me and my music
They have a void that can only be filled by bringing other people down

OMG! This is how I feel EXACTLY 100% OMG! I'm so touched!! !! ! This is it EXACTLY!! ! Thank You very much for those kind words. Perhaps my parents feel they can't be as smart as me so they put down my obsessiveness towards school work. I mention OH Statistics! On the news the other day and mention that American Idol is "voluntary Response data" as in people CHOOSE to vote or not vote so the data is bad since it's VOLUNTARY. Dad said what does that have to do with statistics. (I gave up at that point) LOL! Of course neither of my parents graduated high school so YA! for me being in College!! !! :-) Thanks A LOT!

There are many worse obsessions to have. My obsession with my studies and doing well in them got me two bachelor's degrees and a doctorate. I know three languages well, and I want to know five well before I make my final exit.Yes, I've heard every nerd joke in the book and no, I don't care. Go for it, and don't let the turkeys get you down!


Ce e amorul? E un lung
Prilej pentru durere,
Caci mii de lacrimi nu-i ajung
Si tot mai multe cere.
--Mihai Eminescu


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29 Dec 2010, 6:34 pm

whaaattt, I would think any parent would be delighted at the fact that their kid is taking their school work THAT seriously....well at least mine would have been a few years ago when i was in high school.


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29 Dec 2010, 6:36 pm

whaaattt, I would think any parent would be delighted at the fact that their kid is taking their school work THAT seriously....well at least mine would have been a few years ago when i was in high school. They would have been happy that i was putting as much effort into schoolwork as I did with Roman/Japanese history or xbox 360 haha. you should be proud of yourself! your setting yourself up with a good future, i dont know what your parents deal is. why take away a laptop from your kid whos studying?


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30 Dec 2010, 12:50 pm

2 bachelors and a doctorate BRAVO!! ! Thanks for the kind words. :-)


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30 Dec 2010, 5:49 pm

You cannot please everybody. Some of us can't please ANYBODY.

After I was attacked I just marched to where I knew i could get help, steady pace, looking neither right nor left, paying no attention to anything but the goal.

Try to do the letting go thing. The rain falls, the wind blows, the comments rattle against the window panes. Whatever - so far as in you lies, keep on keeping on,.