Hi, I'm 23 and from Phoenix. Asperger's runs prominently through my family with a parent and sibling sharing. Needless to say; our conversations never ended, we only surrendered. First diagnosed with tourette's, then OCD, then finally comprehensively with Asperger's. Fortunately my household used no profanity, obscenities, and television was limited to only educational programs. As it stands today, none of my seemingly uncontrollable nonsensical statements are remotely vulgar...and none of my compulsions are tragically devastating.
For 10 years (starting at age 9) I learned 5 instruments well enough to enter several competitions successfully. When I was reminded I had to make money one day I had the sensibilities to refocus. Currently I pursue more along the lines of mathematics and physics via computer modeling.
Through persistence in practice I've learned to cope with emulations of common empathy, additionally I've learned to ascribe specific metaphors and implied aphorisms by making prejudice of posture and aesthetic facade's. As negative as that sounds...it's not.
I still can't remember names; but I can remember things I read far better... hello to all, I'll probably remember you.