I didn't really play games until I was about 9 or 10. When I did, they were on MY terms. I didn't get angry if the other person/people weren't cooperating, I just wandered off and played by myself instead. I remember playing 'the lion the witch and the wardrobe' when I was 9 and half the year group joining in! It was too confusing and I was the lion so I just ran around the playground roaring and pretending (i hope) to bite everyone!
Before that it was just counters and cars in lines...
They kept giving me dolls and things like that for gifts. I remember a horse with a saddle, that's all.......What the heck am I supposed to do with this????? I stared at them, I took the clothes off, I put them on- clueless. I watched other girls play with dolls. I wondered what made them think of the 'roles' and tea parties and the like.
I was very angry that my brother got 'useful' stuff. Real Toys.
I felt the same. I stripped the clothes on and off my dolls and I actually pulled both the legs off my Sindy doll and chewed on them! Thankfully my Mum wasn't one of these gender specific types and let me play with cars, trains and lego like my brother.
I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite