I have aspergers as well as am a therapist for kids w/ autism and have taken the classes to be a certified BCABA...so I've kind of had both sides--by having it, and by being taught by those who don't on what is "right" and what "should be done" etc. etc. I was wondering what kind of "stims" you guys have and whether you fight them, or just in certain environments, or embrace them, and when it comes to others, namely children, what your opinion is. For example, I have one family that whenever their son stims (moving his fingers in front of his face, opening his mouth wide, etc.) they always say "No stimming." So even in the comfort of his own home, he is not allowed an outlet. Stimming, overall, is seen by behavior analysts, and parents, as BaD, and something to be replaced or stopped. Is this equivalent to asking a person w/ autism to not have autism?
Likewise, when a child has an obsession, the approach is to try to introduce the child to as many other things as possible (I think this is good...) but often at the expense of no longer allowing them their obsession--b/c by society's standards, that is BaD=not normal. Ex. One of my female clients was so obsessed w/ animals all she wanted to do most of the time was pet them and play w/ animals, so one therapist wanted to take all animals away. (Granted, this child did kill a hamster, then feel bad--hard to determine if entirely intentional b/c thoughts are often planted in kids heads by adults.)
Love to hear your feedback!