menintights wrote:
I don't even know why some of you are trying to downplay it. If the punchline ran along the line about a man wanting to be treated like a woman everyone would know that it was sexist and not just a play on differences between the two sexes.
But that wasn't the punchline. The punchline was the misunderstanding of the intended meaning of the word "hung", between two characters, both of whom inhabited some form of racism as a character trait. The punchline of the joke isn't that black and white people are different. The punchline is that the word "hung" means something different to a Klansman than to someone with penis size on their mind. Whether there's an actual difference in penis size between white and black men is entirely irrelevant to the joke, since the premise is that the
characters are racists. If anything, the klansman is the one being made fun of.
It's not a racist joke, it's a joke about racism. There's a difference. To say that any joke involving racist characters is a racist joke, is like saying that any joke involving homophobic characters is a homophobic joke. A joke involving racist characters can very well simply be a mockery of racism. I would posit that this is more or less the case with this particular joke. Racism is the premise of the joke, not the punchline. The punchline is that the klansman misunderstands the meaning of the word "hung". It's very serious subject matter, but the joke is clearly not in support of its characters.