buckets wrote:
hi, i m very new to this site, i have just recently found out that my younger teen brother has AS.
It explains alot, and i can kinda now see why he is like he is. but i still have and have always had a troubled relationship with him. I really want our relationship to become more like the one i have with my youngest brother and the ones i see my friends have with their brothers. but i dont know how to go about it.
I want to know whether there is anyone else in their teens like me, who no matter how hard they try just cant get along with their AS sibling (brother or sister), or if you do how do you go about it. Also if there is neone with AS who could give me some tips that would be great to. I'd appreciate any help i can get. Thanks in advance
Man, I'm 13 yrs old, I got AS, and my 5 min younger brother is a jackass.