Do you believe in fate? What is the point?
I have very strong views on this, and have concluded recently that to me, Fate decides everything.
It fools us into thinking we have a serious choice in the outcome and landscape by which we live our daily lives.
In my case, Fate has screwed with me on various fronts:-
ASPERGERS - Ive always felt different from everyone else. Ive taken many things to heart, and have completely misread certain social situations as a result. Due to this social indifference, I am now choosing to avoid any social situation that is presented. In terms of my highfunctioning, I dont have the traits often seen as "positive". Im not above average in IQ, and certainly am not strongwilled. All I have is a heightened awareness, paranoia and a vacuum of guilt.
LOCATION - Fife, Scotland. If youve even been in this region of Scotland, its a lovely looking small county. However, it is tiny and doesnt have a lot of services. Support services of any kind are scarce here, and unfortunately where I am, services in other areas of Scotland will not entertain applications from "outsiders" for assistance. I feel completely isolated from help here. I cant move outwith coz Im skint, plus Ive never left the "family" home - I wouldnt have a clue what Im doing. The location also makes it very difficult to travel to any events which I want to attend. This impacts on the minimalistic social circle I may try to pretend that I have.
WORK - Similar to socialising, I am not taken seriously at work. A skillseeker recently got a promotion, whom I had trained over the last year, and he made a very good point - Despite being more than 10 years older than him, his new position has him making more money than me. Due to my own insecurities, I dont have one ambitious streak in me whatsoever. In terms of colleagues, they dont take me seriously. Im often left out of meetings, and most of the talking is done behind my back. They treat me like a child coz of my quiet, introverted traits.
FRIENDSHIPS - As indicated above, my dealings with others is complicated. My communication traits involve speaking reallyquickly, repeating something which has been said, and mainly talking garbage. Despite the training in social skills, my aspergers refuses to learn these lessons, so I constantly find myself back at square one. In most cases, my verbal self destructive nature often pushes people away.
AGE - I was diagnosed later on, at 25, when out of employment. As I get older and fail to adapt, the more expectations will grow for the age group I am in. Hitting 30 in a few months time, I have not one aspect of independence, and am actually embarrassed to detail my personal life as a way of communicating with others.
I put all of the above areas down to Fate who holds all the cards.
My belief is that everything is down to this larger entity, as part of the Big Picture. You have those out there, who have the "gift of the gab", and are there to make a social impact. People in my shoes are here to make our own impact, in a different way. We are not blessed with the social and confidence skills to truly aspire to anything involving a group activity. Whatever we are here to do, is on a solo basis, before we die.
I would be interested to hear from fellow aspies on their thoughts about the role (if any) that Fate plays on their daily lives.