I am so incredibly infuriated with myself being one day very confident and positive and the next being a hopeless feeling, depressive mess. I can't stand it. Nothing about my personality or how I act changes, just my outlook. I like feeling positive, that's just great. But when I get in a state of hopelessness (irrational hopelessness btw) it really interferes with my life. When I'm like that I get so paranoid about everything and feel like I'm a worthless piece of nothing. When this happens I keep thinking things are happening that could never happen. Like my best friend may be talking with my gf romantically behind my back when I know good and well he has no interest in her and she get's upset at the mere thought of liking someone else. I really bother people when I'm like this as I start making absurd accusations, only later to realize I was a complete fool and make a larger idiot out of myself by profusely apologizing. I hate this, I hate it so much. When I'm in a positive attitude everything always goes right, I can solve problems, and have a great time. Then all of a sudden I switch over and I make a bunch of messes that I need to clean up. Dose anyone else have this problem?
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.'"-George Carlin