melcooley wrote:
I used to be obsessed with golf. Came up with this theory that the path of the
left arm is simple (for a right handed player), straight back and thru. That if that
arm was the dominant arm which controlled the swing then it would pull down
the right arm and prevent an over the top (slice) swing. So I bought a used
driving range mat and a net that I attached to the ceiling of my garage and hit
whiffle balls into the net every day in my garage using just my left arm. Did that
off and on for years and it eventually worked. Hit it pretty long and straight, hit
most fairways. But my putting truly sucks and the more I practiced the worse
it got so I haven't played in awhile.
Sorry to say this but you have two arms... why then practise like a one armed golfer? Your train of thought is so off the mark, it hurts!
The left hand is the dominant one, you hold the club with it, and the right hand releases the club though impact. On the takeaway, your right arm acts as a lever going straight back from the ball, then it has a second lever action (the elbow hinges), then your wrists hinge upwards. after that in order to make a shoulder turn, you rotate your left forearm to the right as you swing upwards, whilst attempting to keep your hips and pelvic area still and flexed.
Please now begin to practise using both arms, and then you will make progress, forget thoughts of slice ,hook,push, etc.... see the target area and just hit the ball towards it.
Definite Broad Autism Phenotype..Most likely Aspie
158 of 200 Aspergers.
58 of 200 Nt