wavefreak58 wrote:
Online tests are really unreliable. is it a well known quiz or something new?
Here's the info on their page.
Autism Spectrum Quotient Quiz wrote:
About The Autism Spectrum Quotient Test
The Autism Spectrum Quotient, or AQ, is a questionnaire consisting of fifty questions, it aims to investigate whether adults of normal intelligence have symptoms of autism or one of the other autism spectrum conditions.
This is not "a trivial Facebook Quiz"
This is a serious scientific questionnaire and not a "silly quiz".
It is a genuine scientific tool
You can read more about it on Wikipedia.
This is not a diagnostic tool
This questionnaire does not claim to tell you whether you are or are not autistic. The reason for its use on Facebook is to raise awareness of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and to demonstrate the complexity of the issue.
Scientific my ASS! It was published back in 2001 but has posted itself on Facebook recently to raise awareness. However, I see my friends freaking out about getting a high score. "OMG, I'm a freak!" Oh shut the hell up. How do you think I feel, huh? I'm actually diagnosed. Besides, more of the questions are catered to OCD and social anxiety than AS. Not to mention if you take it on Facebook, it forces you to give them your personal data and post your result to the newsfeed. I didn't care about posting it since everyone already knows that I have it. :/