Hi, Faye! My name is Chris and I'm from the United States. I don't know whether or not I'm an aspie, either. Do you currently live in the Phillipines, or is that just where you were born? Where I am, we're expecting snow pretty soon. I get all excited and stand outside my back door and yell, "Come on, snow!!"
My neighbor has a little poodle whose sole purpose in life is to yap all the neighbors into moving. It's okay because my neighbor and I are on pretty friendly terms. Sometime we hope to get together to drop the poodle into a snowdrift.
Well, I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I suddenly thought, "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Fuhrer." Who's with me?
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