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Blue Jay
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03 Nov 2010, 4:50 pm

Hey WP

so have you noticed how aspies have a diffrent look about them? I was talking to my friend jamal who is an NT about it and he said he thought it was just me but he saw another aspergers person who was also "kinda funny looking". what do you think he meant by this. he says we all seem to have what he calls a "durpface." im not sure how its spelt but i think we look more contented and happy, maybe a sign of our increased logical intellingence? thoughts?

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03 Nov 2010, 4:57 pm

Since body language and eye contact is fundamentally different, it is conceivable that this could be perceived as weird looking.

"Durpface" sounds like a pejorative. You sure this guy is a friend?


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03 Nov 2010, 4:57 pm

never noticed it on myself and neither has anyone else as far as i know but i have a weird scaly birthmark and webbed toes....and that was more or less how i became known as an argonian

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03 Nov 2010, 5:00 pm

"Derpface" = Face of mentally challenged person
Most likely a reference to the "HERP-DERP" or "derp derp" meme.
I, like wavefreak58, question whether or not this guy is a friend...

Anyways, Asperger's causes no "physical deformity".

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03 Nov 2010, 5:01 pm

wavefreak58 wrote:
Since body language and eye contact is fundamentally different, it is conceivable that this could be perceived as weird looking.

"Durpface" sounds like a pejorative. You sure this guy is a friend?

jamal is african americn and sometimes stuff he says will seem quite rude if you dont know him. but he is definatley a friend and has helped me out of many tight spots. when i was homeless he taught me to slang trap.

I thought it was something to do with our facial features specifically, he was not able to say specifically but he does speak in ebonics and sometimes has trouble expressing himself

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03 Nov 2010, 5:05 pm

Nope, I'm a cutie-patootie if I do say so myself.

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03 Nov 2010, 5:16 pm

How is having a weird look a deformity?

There are quite a few physical characteristics that are common amongst autistics and some that are somewhat unique to it. Due to probable multiple causes of autism, there won't be any set physical signs to look out for anytime soon.


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03 Nov 2010, 5:21 pm

i perused the members pictures threads to see if i could discern unusual visible features that are prominent among people with asperger's syndrome or autism. i did not perceive any pattern of 'deformity.' most people here look ordinary to me. unorthodox facial expressions, posture, and clothing are not deformities.

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03 Nov 2010, 5:56 pm

The Aspies that I've seen do have a certain look about them that I can't put my finger on. I wouldn't say it was a deformity though.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:15 pm

BroncosRtheBest wrote:
The Aspies that I've seen do have a certain look about them that I can't put my finger on. I wouldn't say it was a deformity though.

We're just naturally hot.

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03 Nov 2010, 6:34 pm

with a beard/goatee I kinda look like the frontman of Kamelot, but I really dont think that says anything XD

yes I know, sorta off topic and all.

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03 Nov 2010, 6:44 pm

I don't feel a person with Aspergers looks any different from someone else but I do feel we have slight version of "autistic naivete" that others might be able to pick up on.

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03 Nov 2010, 6:59 pm

DemonAbyss10 wrote:
with a beard/goatee I kinda look like the frontman of Kamelot, but I really dont think that says anything XD

yes I know, sorta off topic and all.

interesting that you should say that. With my hair long i almost look like the guitarist of rush. so i always keep my hair short, rush has hurt me in ways you could not imagine.

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03 Nov 2010, 7:09 pm

Spergling wrote:
DemonAbyss10 wrote:
with a beard/goatee I kinda look like the frontman of Kamelot, but I really dont think that says anything XD

yes I know, sorta off topic and all.

interesting that you should say that. With my hair long i almost look like the guitarist of rush. so i always keep my hair short, rush has hurt me in ways you could not imagine.

Yes, I know that off the wall topic derail is just that, a derail.

Lets see how rush can damage someone..... probably had people runing after ya trying to take a picture constantly? Yes I know flashes hurt alot, I really need sunglasses....

and despite the derail I am still bored out of my bloody mind :/

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03 Nov 2010, 7:39 pm

jmnixon95 wrote:
"Derpface" = Face of mentally challenged person
Most likely a reference to the "HERP-DERP" or "derp derp" meme.
I, like wavefreak58, question whether or not this guy is a friend...

Anyways, Asperger's causes no "physical deformity".

My brother and me have a totaly different
definition of Derp.

It is a tool used to drive nails.

Me: Hey bro would u hand me that derp?
Bro: Yeah and here is that sack of nails
you were wondering about.

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03 Nov 2010, 8:21 pm

I don't think all Aspies have similar features by any means. Some may do, but not all.

I think there may be case a for some Aspies having a certain look in their eyes, but this may just be my own perception.

I was always told I had very 'gentle' eyes, which is probably more noticeable in a man. I could never see anything in my eyes. I don't even like making contact with myself in a mirror, and I see nothing there. I don't make eye contact with people generally, although I do look at people sometimes when they aren't looking at me, but what little I know of eyes makes me think NT eyes look a little different, and often scarier, IMO.

My theory on why people might see what they call "gentleness" in many Aspies eyes is the difference in mental focus. My feeling is that Aspies are far less likely to be mentally socially "strategizing" in a "dog eat dog" way, less likely to be examining clothing for status and making judgments, less likely to be fighting for a place in a social "pecking order" or mentally looking to elevate themselves or put others down. We're mostly just thinking about our interests or trying hard to comprehend NTs, rather than socially "compete". Does that make sense?

Perhaps NT's can see this lack of this competitive egotistical agenda in some Aspies eyes and see it as "gentleness"?

Just a theory.

Last edited by Maolcolm on 03 Nov 2010, 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.