Xenu wrote:
Well the issue is that the Judeo-Islamic-Christian god isn't real and can not possibly be real in any way due to the fact that Christianity has been proven Geologically, Historically, Scientifically, and Logically incorrect. And then bring in the fact that Christianity straight up plagiarized several popular stories at the time including ripping the Creation story straight from The Epic Of Gilgamesh (The first recorded writing in history)
Actually, no, that isn't the issue. The OP did not specify which god did the creating, so your comments do not apply to the question posed.
Also, if you wish to be pedantic, please be accurate. Christianity did NOT rip "the Creation story straight from The Epic Of Gilgamesh." Christianity is a direct outgrowth of Judiasm, and openly admits that they use the same Creation story. Any plagiarism was performed by the Hebrews, not the Christians.