If you want to unfriend them, unfriend them
Not long ago I unfriended my auntie on FB because she was annoying me, and I haven't had any crap, so if I can get away with unfriending family members, you can get away with unfriending friends!
But seriously, I have periods when I go through and unfriend all random people because I don't want everyone that have added me just because to see all my info and everything I think, so I say go for it, and if you get crap, ignore it. You have people you want as a friend on Facebook, there is no rule that you have to have people just because you know them or just because they want you to have them as a friend, that's why it's called a friend!
<b>"If something was going to happen, let it happen."</b> - Murakami, <i>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle</i> pg 66.