Awesomelyglorious wrote:
* His worldly organization(s) are responsible for murder, torture, child molestation and evasion of the law, suppression of knowledge, war, forced conversion, and so many other flaws, DESPITE(or perhaps because of) his claim to direct oversight.
I think the Devil and his organisations have successfully seperated you from your maker.
Lets examine just one of your arguments as its late and I have work tommorrow, and maybe it will show you that all your accusations have a differant answer, if you care to look for them.
"His wordly organisations"
Apart from the 12 tribes of Israel, the last tribe of which he divorced in 70AD when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and wiped out the Jews, can you list these organisations of his please.
And think about your answers, if for instance you say, "The Catholic church", I will relate the history of the Catholic Church, how God didnt start it up, but a Roman emporer called Constantine, and who was a worshipper of the Sun, united all the pagan religions of Rome with the new Christian religion, and started the Catholic religion, how he hid the words of the Bible by only allowing it in Latin, so that people wouldnt find out for themselves that the Catholic church identifies itself by its actions and teachings as a Satanicly inspired religion, most successfull in blaspheming against God.
In case you dont follow what Iam trying to say, heres an example, If I start a religion where I sacrifice babies by burning them alive in front of a statue that I claim is of Jesus, whilst I read a scripture from the Bible that says, "suffer the little children", would this religion be one of his "worldly organisations", or would it be an evil religion I started to help people hate God?
If you read the Bible, you will find where Jesus, talking about most of his "followers" says, "get away from me, you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you".