I've been a vegetarian for about 6 or 7 years. I have always had a very close relationship to animals, and to me they all deserve love and respect (except for spiders, hanging above my bed or mosquitoes). I am - however - a lacto-ovo vegetarian, so I do consume dairy products and eggs. Money has never been an issue of mine - never had them - but I still manage to buy ecological (økologisk - I don't know if it's a word the English-speaking world would use, but it's what it's called in Denmark. There are specific rules and regulations when it comes to living condition, fodder/feed, the use of medicine, how the animals need to be stimulated according to their needs, how much space they must have and how much they must be outside, etc.). If I am to consume products from animals, I need to know they've been treated properly. :3 My boyfriend even buys ecological eggs now, because it upsets me, when eating eggs from caged hens.