What are your 'wierd' or 'unusual' interests? I'll go first.

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07 Dec 2010, 3:24 pm

My unusual obsessions revolve around stories, or general story lines that I like. Most are from television shows, since that's the media I'm most exposed to. I'm now 37, but the first TV show I remember being enthralled with was He-Man, and for a short while, She-Ra. That was about 11 years old. The next big obesssion was McGuyver. I don't know, I just loved the show and Richard Dean Anderson...had a huge crush. Next was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The show, the comics...you name it, I liked it. At this time I was about 17 and it carried over for a few years. I drew pictures, wrote stories...yep. Wierdly interested. People noticed. Two years ago it was the Twilight series of books. LOVED them. Now, it's Avatar, The Last Airbender, the series. I have all 3 seasons downloaded to watch. They spark my imagination, make me think diffrently about things and make me happy. I will dwell on this stuff all day long, off and on for months, before I find something else to capture me. Now, I love being able to escape this way, but I don't think everyone is able (or wants) to do this.

Does anyone else do this? And what were your wierd interests?

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07 Dec 2010, 3:37 pm

Mine vary.

The big, dominating special interest I just have to keep going back to is Bible Prophecy, especially about the 2nd coming. I've studied it so much over a period of 15+ years that I'm wholly persuaded, logically, mathematically, theologically, that there can be doubt that Jesus Christ returned in the 19th century. He spent almost half a decade as a prisoner and exile in various countries around the middle east, due to fatwas issued by the leaders of the time (including the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the Shah of Iran). Jesus said He would return like a "thief in the night", and He did. He was rejected just like He was the first time. It's the greatest event in mankind's history, and the world still remains in a deep slumber. Soon people will wake up and realize the thief has struck, and mankind will listen to His Teachings and it will lead to a period of peace and prosperity such as the world has never witnessed nor imagined. We're very lucky to be witnessing this process unfolding, albeit the majority of the world is unaware of what is going on.

Other interests have included electronics, assembly language programming, cracking/reverse engineering, web development, DH mountain biking, biology, and many more.


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07 Dec 2010, 3:52 pm

Wow. Sounds interesting. I should mention I collect 'trivia' and love info and pitures of medical anomolies.

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07 Dec 2010, 6:44 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
Weiner's Law of Libraries: There are no answers, only cross references.....
My Blog: http://richiesroom.wordpress.com/


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07 Dec 2010, 7:02 pm

Apart from avidly reading scientific research about ASDs and about sensory sensitivity, I enjoy various obscure languages (present and past), and reading about huge catastrophes like the biggest comets to strike earth in the last 4 billion years, the biggest volcanoes and earthquakes, etc. I enjoy hunting for small isolated islands in the ocean using Google Maps, and then reading about them. I like to read about genetics and anthropology, like finding out about human migration out of Africa over 50,000 years ago and about population refuges during the Ice Ages and how Europe was re-colonised after the last Ice Age (by using genetics) - stuff like that.

Also like programming: assembly language, simple operating system stuff, compilers for simple languages that I make up.


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07 Dec 2010, 8:57 pm

My primary interest is 4 of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp's movies: Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd and Edward Scissorhands.

Secondary interests include miscellaneous other movies, psychology, deviant sexuality, dream interpretation and outsider art.


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07 Dec 2010, 9:14 pm

Mine are Austin Powers movies and Routemaster buses.

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08 Dec 2010, 7:23 am

i am never satisfied with the sound of most recordings out of the box. i always am having to digitize them and modify them.

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08 Dec 2010, 9:34 am

I have many too.

My favorite kind of music is videogame music, and I have a huge collection of them in my PC, I'm constantly looking for new OSTs. I consider this very unusual because few people likes or takes to seriously the videogame music XD.

I love retro games too, and I have many of different eras (inside my PC of course).

I have an extrange obssesion with wikias of my favorite series, and I can expend an entire hour reading them. I also read to much all what is related to ancient civilizations like the Roman Empire, the Greek, etc.

Recently I got. when I'm in a waiting room or in a very boring place, the habit of count the letters of the words of every thing: announcements, advertisements, etc.

I'm always making stories in my mind, that are usually related with sciencie fiction or fantasy. I recently finished to write a book, and I'm planning to try luck with a publishing house.

That's all that I can remember now.


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08 Dec 2010, 10:37 am

Good luck on publishing the book! I wrote one, had all of the information on a flash drive, then lost the damned thing! I was depressed for months, because more than a year's worth of data was lost. I've recenlty starting brainstorming again for a new one...I'm excited!

I'm so glad to hear from all of you...makes me feel at home in a world I didn't really belong in :)


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09 Dec 2010, 5:52 am

Hello Jodel! :)

Your story resonates with me. I have sort of secret obsessions with different universes. I say secret, because I don't really want people to know that I'm thinking about them that much. For example, when I was younger I was really into Sonic the Hedgehog and would think about his universe/characters/the comics probably over 100 times a day. It wasn't just Sonic either - it was Botsmaster, Tiny Toons (strangely enough), the Gundam series, and X-men among others. However, they were never as strong as the Sonic comics.

I noticed a difference between my obsession with these characters and the obsession that other people had with them. Whenever I would watch a show or read a comic, I would have SO MUCH energy from the story that I would have to exercise for like a hour. Sometimes I'd have so much energy that I'd walk outside and time seemed to disappear. Sometimes I'd "wake" from the stupor and forget where I was! I remember that as a kid I would rather run around a field and imagine my characters, feeling off of the energy that it gave me, than talk to other people during lunch. There came a point where it was VERY socially odd for me to be doing these things, so I made myself talk to people instead out of embarrassment and stop running randomly by myself.

Do you get similar energy from this? I've always wanted to meet someone who had this same problem. The energy that I get from visually imagining Sonic the Hedgehog defeating one of Robotnik's mechanical henchmen (or knuckles, even more) is still blinding sometimes. I put my headphones on and walk around my block, telling people I'm exercising. The real reason I do it is to let all of this stuff out.


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09 Dec 2010, 6:52 am

Oh yes...I actually go jogging while I think about this stuff. I can go for a really really long time provided the weather is nice and my energy level is up. Wow...so glad I'm not the only one!


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09 Dec 2010, 7:47 am

Awesome! I'm glad I found someone else like this! It's kind of like if you see a movie that is good in a universe that you're obsessed with, with friends...it's awkward because you're practically shaking with energy at the end and they're like, "It was cool." I think it's as if they don't get the same dopamine rush, if you know what I mean. It's kind of addicting.


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09 Dec 2010, 9:21 am

i have OCD but its more like subconsciously selected OCD cuz its not with everything i also have entire conversations with myself pretending im talking to people i know so i can imagine how the conversation might go and think of what might happen. i have to be constantly moving though i hate exercising especially running usually my leg shakes or i start randomly tracing a figure 8 on hard surfaces i enjoy science and im also a transhumanist i love politics and im an aspiring politician Thomas Jefferson is my political hero(its also speculated that he might have been an aspie like me) i used to be ashamed of my autism until i realized its something i should be proud of. im typing this from my PS3 at the moment so im done talking for now cuz typing on the PS3 isnt that ez

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09 Dec 2010, 9:45 am

even though i was born in '94 i LOVE ANYTHING 80s to the point of obsession i wasnt around during the 80s but i have a natural affinity for that time period from Members Only to Glam Metal and Breakfast Club to Uncle Buck i hate rap also unless its 80s though 90s rap is also decent

WP Strident Atheist
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09 Dec 2010, 10:45 am

AwesomeUsername wrote:
Awesome! I'm glad I found someone else like this! It's kind of like if you see a movie that is good in a universe that you're obsessed with, with friends...it's awkward because you're practically shaking with energy at the end and they're like, "It was cool." I think it's as if they don't get the same dopamine rush, if you know what I mean. It's kind of addicting.