6 our of every 7 aspies has ADHD. I recommend spending time at this Web site:
http://www.additudemag.com/topic/adult- ... -home.html The articles are written in short easy-to-read chunks. I subscribe to their newsletter too.
I'm not sure it's that high... although the docs are refusing to diagnose ADD in me for some reason (probably saves them money on therapy...). A lot of people with AS have dyspraxia symptoms, or full blown dyspraxia. This can cause problems with organization as well and can make what might be a simple task to most, a horrendous challenge to us. I read a book called, 'Caged in chaos' by a girl called Victoria Briggs. the tips in her book really helped me out, especially the part about breaking your room(s) into small parts.
One of the main things I have taken from the book is a poster entitled, 'how to get out of this mess'. Before I would walk into my room, take one look and cry. Now, when I enter my room I think, 'right, it looks like hell in here, time to consult the list'. The list starts by telling me to pick up dirty laundry, remove cutlery, put rubbish in the bin (yes, I do need reminding to do this) etc. It makes things so much easier. Maybe you should find this book somewhere (probably from a library or online) and read the tips inside. Although it is about dyspraxia it helped me hugely.
One of my biggest problems is keeping on task. When I start tidying, I often get distracted and start playing the Sims2 or go on the internet... in fact I am procrastinating from tidying my room at this very moment by writing to you... I'd better go...
I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite
