Veresae wrote:
A few weeks ago I began walking and running daily and it hasn't helped quite yet. I always ache whenever I lie down for some reason, especially on my sides ('cus then my arms and legs squash one another and ache. I'm really skinny, btw, so I don't think weight factors into it).
I am not sure if running would help. I do regular cycling and while it is a great thing to do and good for general fitness, it does not eliminate back or neck pain for me, but the walking does seem to. Ofcourse running is much closer to walking than cycling is, but still I would not automatically assume that running is effective for back pain.
I see people running on concrete and I suspect that is actually bad for their back. Too much jolting. If they run on grass and purchase new shoes every 6 months, then it is probably fine.
Last edited by emp on 26 Jun 2006, 9:21 am, edited 2 times in total.