Does anybody with AS have a particular time management/project management/productivity method that works for them?
I've been looking at the Pomodoro technique, and recently the GTD method. I also have multiple Ipad apps (e.g. Priority Matrix, To Do), but have yet to settle for one or find a technique that is a perfect match for me.
I found the Pomodoro technique was great for some things (e.g. taking breaks when reading and writing), but not so much for larger scale things (e.g. managing which books to read and when, setting schedules for long-term goals). I'm starting to look now at GTD and my initial impression is that it's complicated, though I still need to learn more about it.
I'd be very interested to hear what other people with AS do to improve productivity. I guess difficulties with Executive Dysfunction may make this an important topic for other Aspies too....