Hello everyone. My name is João Paulo, I'm Portuguese and 34 years old. I've been in therapy for almost a year, but my therapist says I don't have AS. I am definitely within the autism spectrum, but I can look him in the eyes and such. Still, a lot of AS symptoms are very familiar to me: socially reserved, often isolating myself, avoiding conflicts and awkward situations every time, always playing it safe.
I have a PhD in Chemical Engineering but I've changed careers since to become a programmer. Computers kinda speak my language, although I wish I could have figured that out from the beginning.
I've been recently divorced and have to start dating again. It feels like I'm in square one all over again. I'm super-friendly to all the people I know, but I'm having a hard time meeting new people. Where do I meet them, how do I approach them, what do I say, that kind of stuff.
I'm guessing if there's anyone that understands what I'm saying, is you people.
Portuguese, programmer, with feelings emulator and event hyperanalyzer.
Last edited by djeidot on 30 Dec 2010, 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.