Hi guys, i'm an NT. I have no family with any neural divergence. I do not know anyone in the autism spectrum and have little doubt of myself. So...What am I doing here? Well, one of my BFFs was diagnosed as an schizoid (Schizoid Personaliti Disorder, and, honestly speaking, i find him to be one of the mos interesting, fun and unpredictable persons i've ever met (he is also a total cold jerkass, but that's fun to me). I started reading about his condition as soon as i could and that's how I learned about Neurodiversity and started also reading about the spectrum along the way cuz' im a bit of a geek, and can't bring myself to ignore a wiki walk thorugh any encyclopedia or book once it presents to me. I've been lurking this forums for a while now, cuz' I find you guys fascinating people.
I'm also not that normal for an NT >_>. Some times I envy you guys. I kind of don't like most of the social norms i've been force-fed my entire life. (I actually hate and forcefully follow most of those social norms): I've always loved interesting, wierd and hard-to-understand people, I find that I have much more fun the wierder they are (not necessarliy Neurodifferent, but i'm not psychologist so actually I don't know). I'm also kind of a loner because of that and actuallly like loneliness, so I find people who are naturally lonely (as in, don't actually HAVE to try to be alone to be it) people interesting. I have a lot of friends, it's just that i enjoy disappearing from the radar from time to time, sometimes for months. It's kind of refreshing and soothing being alone sometimes. I'm a pretty laid back guy, you can say anything as long as it doesn't involve a plan to kill my family. I'm also almost never serious so take anything I say with a grain of salt. XD
I'm actually VERY interested in learning about the neurodivergent community. How they live, how the feel and think, and what kind of new and interesting ideas can come out of it. Oftentimes I dream of a society completely run by HFAs or Aspies (complete with simming and tics everywhere XD) in which every social norm has to be created from scratch and agreed upon by everyone and actually has, you know, a rational and logical explanation instead of following those tired and old intuitive instincs that we NTs have in spades. One thing that may be problematic is that i like change (i looove Change, even for the sake of change itself) and oftentimes rearrange things in my life (and in my house) on a whim. I like doing things i've never done just because i've never done them, so people who are naturally very resistant to change are also very interesting to me. I hope to get along and learn all I can from your community.
Currently, i'm in college, studying Graphic Design.
Likes: Arts (all kinds, literature, music, plastic arts. etc.), Videogames, Philosphy and Comic books (american, asian and european, yes, i'm a pretty big geek) and girls (i'm a Man).
Dislike: Conservative people, willfully ignorant people, mindless entertainment, sameness and Twilight.
And i hope you can use a very atypical Neurotypical.