After writing this line 5 times, I cannot make it perfect

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12 Jan 2011, 6:56 pm

Greetings to the WrongPlanet Community.

I just wanted to drop by to say hi, I am Undiagnosed, but a positive diagnosis would certainly account for a number of traits I have.

I am high functioning, although I inevitably procrastinate through becoming distracted by minutiae and trying to perfect things that never will be perfect.

Socially I can function. Once I get to know certain people (e.g. work colleagues) I can cope a lot better with engaging in conversation.

I must have temporal and spatial structure in my life, but not change wherever possible. Maybe this is why the 9-5 has a certain appeal to me (Aside from the fact that having too much time on my hands, in my present condition, is a no-no).

Opportunities for financial betterment have presented themselves to me in recent months that could, with appropriate and skilful actions, have a very real and positive impact on the situation of myself and ultimately my family and friends.

However, I often run up against barriers (Usually invented and put up by me) that hold me back from achieving my full potential in these areas and that could lead to serious bad feeling and regret at later stages of my life.

One major example of procrastination would be a disproportionate focus on the act itself of setting tasks compared to their actual completion (Or they are begun but then trailed off or put aside through distraction).

Also, when trying to master a certain new skill or learning project, certain subconscious obstructions seem to surface in the form of anxiety which does tend to impede my ability to absorb the information.

While my childhood could have been worse, both my Mum and my Dad (Now divorced) did make some pretty basic parenting mistakes which I am confronting them both about. My Mum is certainly in denial that she did anything wrong, and will always deflect the blame elsewhere.

Through speaking to you now I feel a combination of regular exercise, autism therapy/counselling and perhaps life coaching may be a good direction for me in the near future.

I had been on Escitapram for depression, but have been off it for 6 months and actually feel better without them (The Cons outweighed the Pros for me here) Sometimes I feel low and may consider taking a 5-HTP complex to boost serotonin levels.
I do, on occasion use Cannabis as it does free up my brain from ingrained thinking patterns.

If there are any other Aspies on here who have found themselves in similar situations and/or can offer any input from their perspective, I would really appreciate any constructive replies or feedback.

It has felt good to get this all out on the open, especially on a Forum like this where there is a real hope of sincere and honest support.

Health, Wealth and Happiness to all.


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12 Jan 2011, 8:00 pm

Welcome greetings to the Wrong Planet community, lynysys.

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12 Jan 2011, 8:29 pm

Welcome to WP

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12 Jan 2011, 8:41 pm

Welcome to WP!

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12 Jan 2011, 9:16 pm

Welkome to WrongPlanet. :)

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14 Jan 2011, 1:12 pm

Thank you all for the warm welcomes!


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14 Jan 2011, 5:54 pm


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16 Jan 2011, 12:30 pm

Hello :)
