A really weird question for females..??

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Snowy Owl
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17 Jan 2011, 12:26 am

I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but do any other girls/women on here HATE a lot of the things associated with our gender? I own no makeup, sometimes I seriously want a mastectomy and a hysterectomy...and the idea of pregnancy...NO..NEVER. I could almost say I'd prefer not to have a gender at all (as screwed up as that sounds..); none of the biological annoyances, social stigmas, etc.

Has anyone else ever felt this way, or am I just being a severe whack job? :?

Snowy Owl
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17 Jan 2011, 12:39 am

Hmmmm... well I own no makeup at all and don't really have a female dress sense, far from it I'm confused by clothing and what to wear. For many years I worked in a totally male dominated world in the computer industry. Otherwise I think I don't react tipically female to many issues and I perfer to talk to or have conversations with males most of the time.

I do have children however despite not being interested when I was younger, I did leave it really late in life and shocked all of my family.


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17 Jan 2011, 12:43 am

No, I am not offended at all.

I am transgender (female to male). I am actually going to get a mastectomy soon. I am way too extrasensory to have breasts.

However, I always feel like I am in between or something totally different. The world will not let me pick gender neutral so I will pick "male" because I feel closer to it than female.

I think of the the binary gender system as very limiting of the human being. To think, we are defined mostly by something so narrow as our genitals.

I think you need to explore your feelings a little more. This might be just a phase but only you can know your true feelings or whether it is a phase or not.


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17 Jan 2011, 1:18 am

Welcome to WP!

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17 Jan 2011, 3:20 am

i used to hate being female, but that was before i realized that just because i'm biologically female, it doesn't mean i have to fit the stereotype. It took me YEARS to get where i am now and to accept this fact. When society, your family and friends and the media are all saying that you can't be female if you're a certain way, it's hard to see yourself as female.

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Snowy Owl
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17 Jan 2011, 3:36 am

Since my childhood I have had a hard time defining what being female means (in society, not biology). I had no one to talk to about it, and I hated the way the girls in my class was coping with getting breasts and so on.
It's not that I want to be a man, I just don't want to be female.
For the last couple of years I have been starving myself, not to be skinny like anorexics, but just to avoid getting my period. It helps, but I know it isn't healthy, and I can't do all the things I want to because I'm too weak, but I still think it's worth it.



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17 Jan 2011, 5:52 am

jigai wrote:
Since my childhood I have had a hard time defining what being female means (in society, not biology). I had no one to talk to about it, and I hated the way the girls in my class was coping with getting breasts and so on.
It's not that I want to be a man, I just don't want to be female.
For the last couple of years I have been starving myself, not to be skinny like anorexics, but just to avoid getting my period. It helps, but I know it isn't healthy, and I can't do all the things I want to because I'm too weak, but I still think it's worth it.

Birth controll pills are a more healthy way to stop periods, but it doesn't work for everybody. There is also Depo-provera, it stops periods in most patients.
When it comes to how society defines being female, just ignore it's stupid rules. You don't need anybody's approval to be yourself.

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Snowy Owl
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17 Jan 2011, 6:00 am

Kiran wrote:
Birth controll pills are a more healthy way to stop periods, but it doesn't work for everybody. There is also Depo-provera, it stops periods in most patients.
When it comes to how society defines being female, just ignore it's stupid rules. You don't need anybody's approval to be yourself.

Jeg vil ikke tage p-piller dels pga min tro, men mest af alt fordi jeg finder dem kvindeundertryggende (ikke en populær holdning)

I woun't take birth controll pills, mainly because of my faith, but also I find them to be discriminating to women (not a popular point of view)


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17 Jan 2011, 6:07 am

Charges wrote:
Has anyone else ever felt this way, or am I just being a severe whack job? :?

No, you're not a "whack job" - I've heard loads of people say similar things on the internet.

Charges wrote:
I could almost say I'd prefer not to have a gender at all

I can relate to that.

I don't really think of myself as being female or male, though physically I'm female.
That being said, I don't necessarily have a big problem with being a woman. A man isn't that much better.
Though I do sometimes feel a bit ashamed for being female.

I do like make-up though, but I hardly ever wear it because I'm lazy and only own a couple of products.

I like feminine clothing I guess...and I'd prefer it if men wore such clothes as well :lol:

Pregnancy? No, I don't want children. And it's good that I don't, too, since the world is overpopulated. I don't want to be blamed for that, unless someone is going to blame me for being born


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17 Jan 2011, 11:05 am

Charges wrote:
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but do any other girls/women on here HATE a lot of the things associated with our gender? I own no makeup, sometimes I seriously want a mastectomy and a hysterectomy...and the idea of pregnancy...NO..NEVER. I could almost say I'd prefer not to have a gender at all (as screwed up as that sounds..); none of the biological annoyances, social stigmas, etc.

Has anyone else ever felt this way, or am I just being a severe whack job? :?

It's not weird for me... I hate:
- makeup
- female shoes with heels
- prejudices against women.
I think that all these things are consequences of culture, not of being woman.
I liked to be pregnant, instead, I was happy.


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17 Jan 2011, 12:32 pm

I certainly felt this way when I was growing up, but I came to love my curves and now I can't help but get giddy over glitter and gold! No offence taken, though. (:

Emu Egg
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17 Jan 2011, 5:41 pm

Charges wrote:
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but do any other girls/women on here HATE a lot of the things associated with our gender? I own no makeup, sometimes I seriously want a mastectomy and a hysterectomy...and the idea of pregnancy...NO..NEVER. I could almost say I'd prefer not to have a gender at all (as screwed up as that sounds..); none of the biological annoyances, social stigmas, etc.

Has anyone else ever felt this way, or am I just being a severe whack job? :?

Well, I'm new, but I felt I needed to respond to this..
I hate most of the things associated with our gender. I hate the idea of pregnancy and children (and I hate that since we're women, we're supposed to act insane over having babies and want them and all that s**t) I hate the way all women are stereo-typed as gold diggers, or morons, etc..

I've worked in the computer industry for many years, and like football and working on cars and stuff like that. I like wearing makeup sometimes, but I never really wear dresses or anything. Even if I like them, I always feel like a "boy in a dress." even though I don't look like a boy at all. I find myself attracted to men and women and when I was younger I sort of considered myself bi-sexual, but now I consider myself straight. I have a hard time with and fitting into gender roles. :/


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17 Jan 2011, 5:55 pm

I would say I dress and feel somewhat gender neutral, but I am a married woman.



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18 Jan 2011, 5:30 am

Nice to know I'm not alone. While I will dress up once or twice a year for special occasions, my day to day ware is very neutral. I never wear heals... ever and I never wear make-up. I like jewellery but find it annoying so I only wear my wedding ring, though in the last year I have started wearing little stud earrings because I love how they sparkle. I got a flower tattooed on my wrist like a bracelet so I can have the pretty without the irritation. :)

I HATE my boobs, HATE HATE HATE! And was delighted when I started the menopause. I do have a daughter but I was 31 before I went down that road, the whole concept scared me but I met someone amazing who is my polar opposite, he couldn't be more "normal" and a family with him seemed like the best idea I'd ever had *laugh*


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18 Jan 2011, 11:49 am

Same here. I don't wear make-up, except for super special occasions. I do like dresses, but this is a recent thing. Actually, dresses is one of my current obsessions. I have a few pairs of heels that I love, but they are very funky shoes. But I don't understand the female sex at all. Most of my friends are guys and they ask me about "the secrets of women" and I tell them to let me know after they've found out. No plans on ever getting pregnant, though I do want to adopt. And I've come to terms with "the twins" as lucky I am a very small B cup and they usually stay out of the way.


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20 Jan 2011, 11:38 pm

I am a spiritual being having an earthly experience. I am more human than female, but I am okay with being female. However, like everything else, I do it on my own terms - not society's

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