Hi, all. I am a self-diagnosed Aspie new to this community....
I spend time every day on my "special interests"....I've recently been sharing some of them with others, and that makes me become sort of more self-aware/self-conscious about them....I was just wondering if others have thoughts/experience on how to tell what is a healthy pursuit of a special interest...?
Some of the things that I do are journalling, making visions and goals books of pictures and energy processes, fashion (looking at magazines, clipping pictures, making notebooks of stuff I like, making lists of stuff I want, and then shopping for them), photography of stuff all over my life....
I think today I feel odd because maybe this isn't stuff most grownups don't do!! !! !! ! and I'm 54 years old!.... ha ha.....Yet, these are really satisfying hobbies for me,a nd I enjoy them a great deal for several years...I DO feel they enrich my life....and I WANT to trust myself and appreciate myself about them!! because I do also feel they utilize and develop the Aspie "genius" way of being and doing things which is a real pleasure to me...
In order to make them enriching rather than anorexia-producing or wierdness-producing, I've made sure to balance my life with social interaction on a daily basis, to make sure that I'm growing in my friendships, and, recently, to share these interests with others rather than keeping them "secret" which tends to make them feel "wierd"....
Anyone else have experience, strength and hope on "unusual" hobbies....???