sagan wrote:
Hey Everyone. I am new here. Have always read around the forum but never posted. Really wanted to ask this though. Not sure If anyone has had this happen... Quick background:
I am a self suspecting Aspie, but dont have money for official diagnosis. Anyways I feel I deal well, and books have always helped more than people so I dont really want to see a psychologist, plus I dont really trust them. I am always paranoid they will want to medicate me or worse. =)
OK, so I have problems sleeping, overactive mind. I often experience sleep paralysis, when your mind is still awake, but the body goes to sleep and you cant move. Sometimes while this happens, I also have visual and auditory and other hallucinations.. Could this be schizophrenia? Or schizotypal behaviour?? I am just not sure if this is something I should worry about, or if it is normal.
It just that these things I hear plus really repetitive thoughts from the suspected Aspieness, and overall weirdness, I often feel I might be going insane =)
Thoughts, experiences with this anyone?? Thanksss
It may be schizotypical but it can also be completely natural.
Most likely it is this:
If you experience the 'Old Hag' syndrome more than once a year then you definitely have hypnagogic hallucinations...not schizophrenia.
My sister had this during her teens and early 20's and she thought she was going batshit crazy. There is no medication for it though after going through several doctors she finally ended up consulting a nutrition specialist. For some time she tried different things to see if there could be something her brain needed (vitamin or what not) to avoid this... and turns out that a small glass of red wine before going to sleep for 3 months made it go away. Its been over 10 years and she has not needed to drink wine nor have it happen since.
Maybe you can try something similar.