Lady Gaga has talent, not into her style of music but I get that she makes her own beats, her own lyrics, everything, and that all this is really streaming from her own mind. I have to respect that. From what she says of herself I pretty much see a big time Jungian introvert. She also keeps her voice in the right place in her mixes volume-wise rather than having it booming over the music, which is quite commendable when the trend generally goes the other way.
Ke$ha, she annoys me but I think she got where she is because she can use her voice as brazenly, it has a lot of velocity, creates its own hook, groove, or pressure over the track, and like the spray horns you might here over a house track her voice is that thing that aggitates people to dance rather than walk out of the club. As for the white trash claim, she claimed in an interview that her mom was a hippy and was having a big party when she had her and that she was birthed into a guitar case; that raises so many questions that you just don't want to know the answer to.