Auditory dreams/spacing out
Has anyone ever heard of having purely auditory dreams while they are awake? I typically think of dreams as visual and auditory while asleep, but what about purely the auditory portion of a dreamlike state while your awake but spacing out or tired?
Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.
There are some instances where persons can hear background noises in their brains/minds involuntarily. William Shatner of Star Trek said during filming a later movie he was too close to a series of explosions and it caused him to hear sounds in his brain/mind which had not been there before. It caused him a great deal of distress. Recall a woman actress who also related something similar and I believe she tried an anti-epilepsy medicine with the hope that the background music (in her case) would possibly diminish/disappear. There's also a commonly reported phenomenon where some persons can listen to a certain song and then find parts of that song sticking in their heads for hours/even days. Recently in the news there has been speculation that the source of Chopin's (pianist) music may have been TLE/complex partials.
Do you have any control over them? Are they pleasant? For me they are very short but loud and incomprehensible. They are usually more fear inducing than pleasant. It's the TLE what pgd was talking about.
Usually my day dreams are controlled and are both auditory and visual.
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Yes, this happened to me from my mid-teens all the way up into my early thirties, but I haven't had an episode in a long time. I researched it; it's a sleep disorder related to narcolepsy. One website called it Awareness During Sleep Paralysis. The person slips into an REM state before they're fully asleep, so they're hearing things (often unintelligible whispers, or loud banging) while at the same time they're paralyzed, because the body thinks it's dreaming. My eyes used to be open when it happened to me, and I would have tactile hallucinations as well (feeling like someone was pulling off my covers). It's terrifying!
I'm really glad I eventually outgrew them, because the only way I could snap out of an episode was by becoming lucid and realizing what was happening. Then I would wrench myself into full awakeness through sheer force of will. Not fun.
There are some instances where persons can hear background noises in their brains/minds involuntarily. William Shatner of Star Trek said during filming a later movie he was too close to a series of explosions and it caused him to hear sounds in his brain/mind which had not been there before. It caused him a great deal of distress. Recall a woman actress who also related something similar and I believe she tried an anti-epilepsy medicine with the hope that the background music (in her case) would possibly diminish/disappear. There's also a commonly reported phenomenon where some persons can listen to a certain song and then find parts of that song sticking in their heads for hours/even days. Recently in the news there has been speculation that the source of Chopin's (pianist) music may have been TLE/complex partials.
That sounds pretty much exactly like what I have except mine only occur when I'm stressed or sleepy. I'd suspect schizophrenia is unlikely as I was disagnosed as autistic as a toddler and also process my memories into pure sound (I have no visual components unless I'm actually asleep and dreaming).
Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.