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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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11 Feb 2011, 8:50 pm

Like at school how do you do with them? Whenever I am in a group I am terrible with them, they are always so mean to me and I can never get along with them. I hate every group I go in unless if it is my aquatinces( I say that other than friends becasue I don't have any) But I would like to know how are you doing in groups?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Feb 2011, 10:07 pm

Well, for my personally, I clam up. I become overwhelmed and I get quiet. I really feel that unless I am with friends or kin, I'm not comfortable.

Hope this helps you! :D

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11 Feb 2011, 10:12 pm

I can't talk in groups, no matter how much I like the people in them.


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11 Feb 2011, 10:38 pm

I just shut up too, and don't say a word. Some test at uni once said I was a "follower" rather than a "leader" in a group setting, because I didn't start ordering others around.

Blue Jay
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11 Feb 2011, 11:08 pm

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I've come up with two comparisons.

Double dutch jump rope. A group setting is like standing at the edge of those spinning ropes, watching the pattern develop so you can find the opportunity to jump in. And then, once you're in, you have to concentrate on the ropes to jump at the right time or else you'll trip up.

And juggling. Juggling one object (one on one conversations) is, well, easy isn't the right word, but I don't know what word fits. It takes a few attempts to get the right feel of it. And it does take effort, so after a time the effort is too much. Add another ball (me and two others), and the effort more than doubles. A third ball (me and three others) is about all I can take; it requires all my concentration. But before long I'll give up and just stand there or more likely slip away unnoticed.

I actually did try to teach myself how to juggle and 3 balls was my limit. I can usually get a few full rotations before I dropped a ball.



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11 Feb 2011, 11:09 pm

I can't talk in groups. I can't think of what to say, and if I do manage to think of something, I can never find a break in the conversation to speak.

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11 Feb 2011, 11:46 pm

Depends. If its something that isn't in the least bit interesting, I tend to stay quiet and listen to everyone else and let them speak for me. But if its something I can be obsessive about welll then...lord I overdo it. I start talking nonstop, tend to get a little overtly excited, jumping up and down, probably also loose the volume of my voice being a little louder than an already loud classroom.
If its one of my obsession look out group project you might have a nutter in your group.

Emu Egg
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12 Feb 2011, 12:03 am

Ditto to everything everyone before me has said. Even with family I tend to not say anything unless I'm being asked something, and even then I panic a bit and get words muddled up and stuff. Very


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12 Feb 2011, 12:08 am

I try to listen, I zone out, I try to listen, I zone out again. I listen more than talk because it's hard to know when to speak without being rude though sometimes I have to be rude just so I have a chance to speak. If I can't do that or even listen I'll look around, line up objects on the table, touch things on the table or if I can I leave the group.

I don't go to school anymore and when I did I would wander the playground on my own. Now if I'm in a type of class setting I at least say hi then I just go quiet while everyone chats away.

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12 Feb 2011, 12:10 am

I get really jittery. And I get a dumb smile on my face. Whenever I think about me in crowds, I flash back to school years in the cafeteria. It was loud, filled with people, bright, and stuffy. No matter who I sat with, I was miserable.

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12 Feb 2011, 12:20 am

I seem to be the opposite of most here. I tend to dominate a discussion and keep talking long after everyone's moved on. I've found that, in groups, if the group doesn't 'choose' a leader, I'll tend to take over and direct a group by default. I can't stand wishy-washy indecisiveness in situations that call for answers/actions/direction. If someone does step up to the leadership role I find I fall in step behind them but quickly become disillusioned if they discount or ignore my input.

And I recognise the immaturity of it all. I think I will always be a work in progress.


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12 Feb 2011, 12:27 am

Not so good if there's too many people. If it's a few people, and I find them to be friendly, I do ok. From my point of view, anyway.


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12 Feb 2011, 3:49 am

If I am involved in a discussion with one person and another person comes it is like I'm suddenly not there. They start talking to each other and do not acknowledge that I am there and I usually give up and leave.

If I am put into a formal meeting situation like where everyone is sitting around a table I don't talk. Usually everyone else will have a discussion and then at the end of the meeting one of the people will point out that I didn't talk and they will ask me what I think, and I will tell them, at which point if I am interested in the subject I'll start monologuing or if I'm not particularly interested I will say something and they will start talking over me and I will again be silent.

I have rarely been in a social situation with more than one other person, but usually it's like I'm not involved. I often can move around them without them even realizing that I'm there and unless I'm specifically paying attention to them I often don't notice their social interactions either.

pensieve wrote:
I don't go to school anymore and when I did I would wander the playground on my own. Now if I'm in a type of class setting I at least say hi then I just go quiet while everyone chats away.
I remember when I was in school that I wandered around the playgrounds alone.

Last edited by matt on 12 Feb 2011, 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Feb 2011, 3:59 am

Yeah, I don't like groups beyond like 5 people. I find it very hard to jump into the conversation and make myself seen. And what the other people are discussing I usually can't understand or don't care about.

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12 Feb 2011, 6:52 am

Socially, like everyone above has described. I mostly feel lost. If the group grows beyond a certain number I just leave, no one notices me leaving once there's 6+ people in a group.
In a task oriented group, unless there's a strong leader already giving orders I tend to take up the leadership position just because I get bored and frustrated with people's indecisiveness. If there is a leader and I think he's making a colossal mistake I'll ask why this particular method and not that other one, if they prove inflexible and/or rude I just resign myself to staying quiet, doing my job and putting in the bare minimum to get it over with. With a good leader though I will give it my absolute best effort.


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12 Feb 2011, 8:02 am

Even if I was good at something, maybe even the best; I was the last person to be picked if the pupils were to choose groups at school. Even the handicapped were picked before me in sport, and I am very good at physical activities :?

Later in higher school levels, if we were to work in groups I decided everything. I was pretty much incapable of functioning in a group if I wouldnt have the position to tell everybody what to do. If somebody rejected to do things my way, I had enormous trouble to do the task, but most of the time I had my will.

I dont belong to any group but people copy me.