DandelionFireworks wrote:
I'm speaking to everyone who is in favor of a cure for "low-functioning" autistics (i.e., people who can't object), but not "high-functioning" autistics (i.e., whatever group they belong to).
First define what high functioning and low functioning is without resorting to DSM IV is then decide if the person is happy to be changed. If the young person is being zapped with high voltage by Lovaas in his UCLA laboratory for his "own good" to make him NT then I think the answer is no. If the there is a pill that makes one "NT" (whatever that is) so they don't get hassled by the Lovaas "I'm doing autistics a favour" mob then the answer would be maybee. If the pill also saves them from condescending NT adults and NT bullies then the answer is most probably,
If however the child is surrounded by loving parents, an understanding community and has access to internet technology and friends to communicate when he/she feels like it then that child with low functioning autism will feel a sense of belonging and comfort in who they are and would never want to change. I mean who really wants to be an NT, they've made a bit of a mess throughout history.