My name is Jon and i am self diagonsed Aspie. I am 35 going on 36 on March 15. I am from Winston-Salem,NC. I didnt found out till a couple of years ago that I had Aspegers. I was watching a show on MTV called Made which featured an episode that had a kid with Aspergers on it. About half way through it I broke down in tears when I started to realize that everything that he was talking about was descrbing me and what I was going through.
So I started to do some research on Aspergers and the more research I did the more I realized that this described me to a tee. I had mixed feelings when I reached this conclusion. I felt relief that i wasnt just weird or from another planet and there were other people out there like me but also felt a sense of sadness and anger when I realized I would probably be like this the rest of my life and their was nothing I could do to change that.
I joined this forum a while ago but just now got around to posting this.