Hey Walter,
Have you asked this man what he likes to do for fun, as a hobbie, what was it like for him growing up, when did he discover he was gay, etc...? That's always a good way to start a converstation.
I met LGBT people and became friends with some of them over a period of time, not all at once. I met them at college and at university, where I worked, in my neighborhood, at art shows, at cafes and then I started meeting more people through the people I had already met. I started going to get togethers, parties and so on.
Although true friends are hard to find. I did meet some great people who I have to say were my true friends and would help me if I ever needed it. I moved away and lost contact with some of them, two of them pasted away. I went back to college full time and was working full time which was quite a demand besides being a mother so I didn't have free time like I did before.
Now that I'm older like Visa is, I'm not interested in going to bars or working in bars and going to large loud parties and I have health issues that slow me down and I have lost interest in socializing like I use to.
I don't know about where you live but here in the States there are different LGBT organizations to volunteer in. That's a good place to meet and make friends who are part of the Gay Community. There are Gay Pride Festivals and Parades, Walk For HIV/AIDS, there are charities for children who have HIV/AIDS who seem to always need volunteers. You can meet people who are gay most anywhere I believe doing things you like to do. I would make friends with men as well as women no matter if they were LGBT or not, but my sister who is a lesbian didn't have any friends who are gay men. It's your choice.
Anyway, I hope that this gives you some ideas and I wish you all the best. Please let us know from time to time how you are doing. And were here if you ever need someone to talk to. And I believe your English is fine too.
Whatever you think you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. ~Goethe
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