I have two real friends at school. Last year (seventh grade) I had four so-so friends. Two of them became real friends and the other two are simply acquaintances. My mom asks "What's going on with you?" and I never know how to respond to this. She expects me to have a larger social circle. She tells me staying home all the time isn't normal, having one friend isn't normal, liking aloneness isn't normal, ect. I wish I could just say "WELL SCREW NORMALCY!" It's like she thinks I will grow out of Autism when nobody can. She doesn't know I'm on this website and I don't tell her because she doesn't want me talking to strangers (I DON'T reveal my identity and I'm talking to other autistics/aspies I can RELATE to. What's so wrong here?)
"Secrets hidden in slivers between bricks." "I wasn't 'they' anymore."
Agree: 4,6,13,16,18,19,20,22,39,41,45: 1 point
Disagree: 1,3,10,11,14,17,27,30,32,36,38,44,47,48,49: 1 point
Score: 26