LordoftheMonkeys wrote:
Does anyone else have senses that other people don't have? I think this may be common in aspies. For instance, I have a sense of direction. Up and down feel different to me, and so do north, south, east, and west. When I'm upside down, the world doesn't seem to be upside down, because I can feel which direction is up. I went to the
mystery spot with my family, and I was the only one there who could tell that we were not sideways, but on a steep slope. I've tried explaining my extra sense of direction to other people, but I get laughed at (although I've only really told my dad, who puts down everything I say anyway, so I don't know). I can't prove it to anyone, any more than a sighted person can prove to someone who has been blind all their life that they can see. I wonder if anyone else has any similar experiences.
A sense has to associated itself with a form of energy transfer. We have senses for light, lower frequency electromagnetic energy we call heat, the Coloumb interaction with nerve endings we call touch, electrochemical reactions that register as odor and taste.
Why additional energy modes did you have in mind. Higher frequency electro-magnetic radiation? Perhaps some of us can "see" beyond violet and some us us can see into the infra-red like cats do.
Perhaps some of us carry magnetites in the fluid of the ear so we can sense the earth's magnetic field.