New member...GOT ISSUES LOL
Hello all,
I am the mother of 2 kids. My 5 yr old was diagnosed with AS last year and looking back at my childhood I know something wasn't right but it's not what my son is going through. So I am unsure what exactly my problem was.
As a child I was brilliant. This made my father spend a lot of time with me because he too was brilliant. I played chess and tennis with my dad when I was around age 5. I was more BOY than I was GIRL. I hated dresses. I hated having my hair done much so that I would tear at it and messit up when my mother was done fixing it. I was very hyper and physically active. I could only sit still and focus if the subject interested me. I was odd and did not make friends well. I always had adult friends growing up and it bothered my mom. In fact at any family gathering I would sit with the adults rather than play with the children. I would only play with them if I were forced to leave the adults....then the kids had to play by my rules of I'd get pissed. My moom used to make me come inside the house when she'd observe me being "TOO BOSSY". My husband to this day tells me it's my way or the highway. I don't always see this to be true and we but heads a lot.
Also as a child I was into sciences and literature. I loved writing poetry and stories. Nothing else in the world mattered but htose things. I was somewhat obsessive with my future "career". I had to have my life planned out in details in my mind. If my career path plans changed I would redo it all in my mind. My mind was never idle. It still isn't. I think everything out but nothing seems to go as planned....which totally pisses me off to my core. I only like spontinaity if "I" do it. The spontinaity of others gets on my nerves in ways I can't explain. CHanging plans on me without notice is just not a good idea.
I have trichotillomania (hair pulling OCD). I have had this since I was 6 years old. I odn't know if this is just part of my oddities or if it was triggered from sexual abuse I experienced. I could not controll the trich as a child. I controll it pretty well as an adult.
I still to this day prefer friends older than myself. It's not that I can't be friends with people my age but I get along better with older people. My husband is almost 12 years older than myself and all of my friends are 10 to 40 years older. During my dating years I refused to date boys or men my own age. I felt like it was pure stupidity to do so. At 19 I felt any man under 30 was not mature enough to be around. (not that this has anythign to do with my odditites HAHAHA). Anyways, I am different. I talk too damned much and I am moody.
My son has asperger's and my husband is about as odd as myself only much more annoying LOL. I don't know if my oddities amount to anything but don't think I will ever go and find out from a professional.
Now..........MY 3 yr old ASPIE BY PROXY child. What Do ya do with a NT child who asts like an ASPIE because she mimcs her brother? UGH this one gets me. I have addapted well to my own problems mostly. My son in time will....but what about a NT kid who is surrounded with an aspie brother a wierd mom and a dad who is possibly bi-polar? POOR KID LOL!
What do you all think? What is my malfunction? And can I help my daughter outgrow the ASPERGER'S by PROXY?
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