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10 Mar 2011, 9:34 am

My little sister left for college in August. I have gotten really used to my homelife without her and prefer it for a lot of reasons. And whenever she comes home the change it brings wreaks havoc on my mind. She came home for christmas which was miserable and she's here this week for spring break. Normally it's just my mom and brother here, who are quiet and leave me be most of the time.

For one, she spends 24/7 in the living room where the tv is. Which means for the entire time she's home I end up with a huge backlog of DVR'd shows when usually I watch tv on sunday, tuesday, thursday, friday evenings (and sometimes on the weekend if I have a lot to get through).

I'm really into eating healthy and cooking my own meals but I like doing it alone, but since the liv,ingg room is next to the kitchen she is always there so I don't cook and just grab things I can make in a few minutes. Which brings me to another point which is my mom and me do the grocery shopping, and I can get basically what I want (within a budget) and I know for example how much of everything will be eaten in between grocery trips.

I get a box of kiwis every trip which consists of 8 fruit. I eat one a day. Well I bring them homee from shopping Monday and of course she wants to eat my kiwi. I am very annoyed especially because the eigth day of eating them is a thursday, my last school day before thee next shopping trip. I eat the same lunch eveery school day and it is extremely stressful to me if I can't have my kiwi that day like normallly.

I also get six individually wrapped peices of fruit leather at the store. I eat them on school days (2x a week) and saturdays, so that I can eat 3 a week. So I went to pack my lunch last night to find she ate one so now I had to skip my fruit leather today in order to stay on schedule. Luckily they don't need to be refrigerated so I'm keeping them in my room now.

Finally, I usually load and unload the dishwasher but when she's home I only load it. So normally I soak any dishes I used that I know will be terrible to clean later when they've hardened. Well she and my mom left out some dishes and now they are so encrusted with food I'm wondering how to get them clean. She also waits till 10 minutes before my mom gets home from her 2nd job to unload the dishes so it looks like I was too lazy to do them earlier when usually I do them way early.

Ah, and I forgot, I can't exercise either because I always do so in the living room and I like to do it alone. I hate how she literally never leaves. You might think as a teenager NT she would be hanging with friends (some of which who go to the local university or work here so it's not like they are all unaccessbl) but nope. Never leaves except to eat something from the kitchen.



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10 Mar 2011, 3:11 pm

I don't know how to help you with most of that, but as far as the dishes, soak them in HOT soapy water and scrub with a sponge or steel wool and they'll come clean.


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11 Mar 2011, 2:46 am

Have you tried talking to her about all of this?