Not sure if it's the right place to post, but I've had a very bad meltdown just a while ago and still trying to cope. I've hyperventilated, couldn't speak, it was hard for me to breathe..
This text can be a little confusing and disorganized. I need to pour everything out somewhere. So excuse me if it is a little confusing or I haven't included much details. Now I just need to calm down and start this thread in order to start dealing with this problem. Otherwise I might forget about that. I am sorry for my horrible grammar at the moment. I can not think at all. I will come back tomorrow or so, when I'm calmer, and specify certain things.
I am having terrible problems with anxiety. It seems that I operate on anxiety. I can forget even the most elemental things while I'm anxious. This became especially bad when my exams started to approach. I couldn't do them because of the anxiety. Now I was given a second chance, and I did really stupid mistakes there, because of anxiety. I couldn't concentrate. I felt like giving up. As soon as it begun, I couldn't stop myself. Tried to calm down, analyze my thoughts, but it came back and intensified. This anxiety is slowly destructing my life. I am not sure what I should do. I've been spinning and rocking excessively for the past 2 hours, and I was spinning and humming in school as long as my parents arrived and took me back home. I can not stop it. Now I had a meltdown, I was crying, all of these crippling panicking emotions, I'm feeling so, so tired at the moment.
I can not type about anything else. What should I do now? Have any of you had success with anything else than medication? I am afraid to try medication. I do not want to live on pills. I want to know what are the other possibilities. I've tried yoga, and it didn't help me as much... I'd like to hear anything. I really need help
Thank you so much everyone..
Last edited by esh on 12 Mar 2011, 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.