I don't wear make-up, and I never have done, expect sometimes on the odd occasion. I am an attractive person, but people keep getting onto me that I look too young for my age, and that wearing make-up would help make me look more like a woman in her early 20s (which I am), rather than a 12-year-old. I have a standard hairstyle too - the type where it's just tucked behind my ears, and quite long. People tell me that if I changed my hairstyle too I would look more older.
But because I have Dyspraxia, my hands shake very bad when I'm handling something fiddly, and so whenever I've tried to put make-up on, I go all over the place because my hands just cannot keep still when doing something fiddly. Putting on make-up requires care and patience, and I'm not very careful when handling small equipment like mascara brushes (ect), alongside with cutting with scissors in a straight line, writing neatly, doing up buttons, tying shoelaces, peeling an apple or a potato, and so on. So I will always find it hard to put on make-up - not that I'm all that interested anyway. The only make-up I put on is nail-varnish, but I do bite my nails constantly.
But its not men what make me concerned about whether I've got a bit of make-up on or not, because I get lots of nice looks and winks and smiles from men. (I even have a couple of men who won't stop texting, and they keep asking me out every few weeks, in the hope that I will give in to one of them). It's women who criticise and judge you if you're not wearing make-up. By girls at college I got called ''Butch'' all the time (even though I love the colour pink and I wear trendy feminine clothes). But when I walk in the street I always get funny looks by other young women and teenage girls, and I'm not sure if it's because I look like a plain-Jane all the time. But surely putting on make-up every morning shouldn't be a chore or a rule. I thought putting on make-up was mostly an enjoyment or a habit, or even an obsession.
What do you think? Is not wearing make-up a crime against the nature of a woman? Is it really the end of the world if one chooses not to wear make-up?
ps - don't be fooled by my nickname!