krex wrote:
I may be one of the "posters" who mentioned hypothyroid...One of the problems with the "I had it checked,doc says its ok.."Is that alot of DR are uninformed about what "normal" is...TSH level has changed from 5.5 to 3.3 to 2.3......many DR are going by old numbers.....they often dont do the more accurate test....freeT3, freeT4....only the TSH level....problem is that tour TSH numbers can be borderline or normal but your body is not converting the hormones in a way that the body can actually use them! !Well, DR , that seems kind of important....I hate to be paranoid but it eems that many DR dont seem to care about this issue because the medication to treat it is so inexpensive(about 10.00 a month)so the pharmicutical companys dont make any money on it...but they do make alot on the medications that are used to treat alot of the symptoms.....Anxiety,depression,IBS...
Most doctors are pretty ignorant about thyroid issues.
krex wrote:
I know there are alot of very intelligent people here who normally question the "sanctity" of authority labels, like DR.....but it is difficult to question DR without offending their monsterious ego(bad personal experience
I've been thru the doctor mill twice krex. Misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, and offered antidepressants both times - even though both times I insisted I was not depressed! The way they think is, if WE can't diagnose you, you're imagining it.
First time, I diagnosed myself (thyroid, tests were "normal"). Second time, it took 5 doctors and a naturopath (nat. was the guy who nailed it; Lyme, tests were "negative".)
Even if your thyroid has tested "normal", please check the checklists and see if your symptoms match up.