All the failed "almost relationships" I have had (I've never really had anything progress to the "relationship" status), it was probably a good thing that they ended.
What I do wish is that the fallout could have occured differently. In one case, the fallout was absolutely devastating, due to a reaction so long term and so negative that I gave up on everything... the only reason why I have a college degree (and am in grad school now) is because of not wanting my parents to know about it with all that they were already going through. To do this, I wanted to maintan an illusion of normalcy, and that was done by attending college.
Now I'm half way through a Master's program just figuring those things out (this particular revelation occured shortly after joining WP)
Of course, if I knew anything at all about Aspergers at the time (I was diagnosed, but my ****ing parents told me nothing... to them, all the diagnosis was was a bargaining chip for SSI... ****ing bastards!) I would have had a much greater understanding of what was going on, so the fallout wouldn't have been nearly as difficult.