What's the most exciting or scariest moments in your life? 8

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24 Mar 2011, 6:36 pm

What's the most exciting or scariest moments in your life? 8O


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24 Mar 2011, 6:46 pm

Wanting to hike up to some hills near the Salton Sea in California, I parked near an isolated house. Shortly after getting out of the car, about 10 dogs, anything from pit bulls to poodles, came at me and surrounded me, all coming closer and closer, snarling and barking loudly. I was lucky in that I was near a long piece of wood that I picked up and swung in circles at them until I could get back to my car. I guess they were just doing their job, but it gave me a good scare.

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24 Mar 2011, 7:07 pm

When I was twelve, I made an attempt to start up my dad's truck. I didn't know any better at the time, and while I was trying to start it up, I pressed down on the gas pedal, and the truck moved forward. Luckily, my mom's car was positioned in front of the truck, so the truck only bumped the back of the car. That probably gave my dad quite a scare.

I don't know if I realized how dangerous that situation was at the time, but it's scary to look back and realize that, had my mom's car not been sitting in front of the truck, I could have been seriously injured or even killed.

What fresh hell is this?


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25 Mar 2011, 5:59 am

Mhh...when I was a kid I was messing around on a building site with a few friends. We were messing around on the roof of a house, when a guard came. The rest of them legged it, and I seen him just as he was climbing the scaffolding up to me. I jumped off the roof of the house into a dirt pile, and ran towards a fence. The guard had his hand on my shoulder just as I slipped through a gap in the fence too small for him. Then I turned around, laughed, and walked on...

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25 Mar 2011, 2:05 pm

wind echoing through my helmet, i see the other teams players whizzing by. I see the navy blue of the opponent come up an fills my vision and I smash into it bringing him down. I just stopped a 4th quarter drive in one of my high school football games.


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25 Mar 2011, 3:36 pm

Most exciting moments:
Seeing my little brother after he was first born
Getting a puppy when I was 7 years old
Having my teeth fixed with braces and surgery when I was 12 - 13
Going to see Alice in Wonderland in theaters with my mom on March 4th, 2010

Scariest moments:
Any time I've choked on something; special mention goes to the incident when I was 9 years old and almost died from it
Having my period for the first time at age 14 (My mom tried to explain it to me in the years prior, but I was too dumb to realize what she was talking about)
Having my wisdom teeth taken out (more the anticipation of it than the actual procedure; once it was over with, it wasn't a big deal)
Learning about The Slender Man


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26 Mar 2011, 4:42 pm

Exciting...... Scary..............
*When I first started running *When I ran in my first meet
*When I ran my first half-marathon *The night before my half-marathon
*Being the miamaid class president *Getting released
*Entering high school *Entering High school
*Going on my first date *Going on my first date
*Signing up for my first Marathon *Training for my first marathon

Those are just a few

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26 Mar 2011, 4:56 pm

Hearing about this sexual predator moving to our neighborhood when I was in elementary school.
Hearing about a sexual predator on the loose while I was baby-sitting.
Watching When A Stranger Calls at 2 AM when baby-sitting.
After reading in Chicken Soup For The Soul: Touch Stuff about a girl who's father molested her in her sleep and wouldn't let her lock her bedroom door because "there might be a fire," my step-dad installing a lock door on my room but telling me not to lock it for the same reason. God, he's such a creep.
This old man walking around the park where I spent the night once.

Landing in Disney World with CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind, I'm pretty much legally blind without my glasses.)
Landing in the Bahamas.
Mm, that's about it.

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26 Mar 2011, 5:29 pm

The most scariest moment in my life was when I was walking home from high school in a thunderstorm at the age of 17. I was 6 inches away from being struck by lightning. I was bragging about it for the next three weeks, because I've survived an electrical storm, being that close to The Kiss of Death.

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26 Mar 2011, 8:11 pm

Standing at the open door of a light aircraft looking down and waiting to do a parachute jump for charity strapped to a instructor


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26 Mar 2011, 9:11 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
The most scariest moment in my life was when I was walking home from high school in a thunderstorm at the age of 17. I was 6 inches away from being struck by lightning. I was bragging about it for the next three weeks, because I've survived an electrical storm, being that close to The Kiss of Death.

That's really cool. I went through something similar myself when I was a kid. I was in a house during a thunderstorm, and the transformer out front was struck, and burst into a torrent of white sparks. Then the house was struck, and it caught fire. We didn't notice until it was half burnt down. When we went outside after, I was just laughing :)

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