Do you feel like everyone around you treats you differently?
I notice this everywhere, everyplace. On facebook, my friends' pages are littered with messages from other people like, "Hey what's up, let's hang out," "I'm going to such and such, you gotta come," "Miss u. Gotta hang out when you come back." Nothing on my FB.
At work, the manager whose desk is next to mine, greets everyone with an enthusiastic "HEY!" and is so chatty with them. She even hugs them. When I come in, I say "HI " and make sure I say everyone's name. She simply says, "Hi" back. Nothing else.
When friends need me for something, I'm there, but if I need them, they won't respond to my emails. I talked a girl who was my friend through some crises in her life, and then when I went through my own rough patch, she wouldn't respond.
Five months ago I moved into my own place with a friend, and his friend, whose parent's owned it. A couple weeks ago, the friend said he was going to move out, and my friend has since followed suit, saying there was no reason for him to stay. What a thing to say!
When I was fired from my first job after college, one of the reasons was that I was not "gelling" with the rest of the staff.
Do I give off some toxic, intangible vibe? I shower twice a day, brush two or three times a day, keep clean shaven. I try my best to smile, and say hi to everyone and by name. I'd bring donuts in sometimes for breakfast in the office.
Yet I seem so completely off everyone's radar. I fear I am truly hopeless, that there is something fundamentally wrong with me which I can never hope to repair, but which everyone around me can sense, which warns them to stay away.
I feel so despairing of the future, yet I fear death, and suicide, and so what am I left with?
I feel thee same way... facebook has just left me hopeless and depressed, its truly toxic.
Finding this site and finding out i had AS made everything so much better, to share these feelings with other people who go through the same thing.
I hope you can get this sorted out, and just learn to accept who you are, its the only way to happiness.
i wish you the best <3
um yes, and it only was more unbearable in high school and college. i was the odd one with a nickname given by others so no one ever called me by my real name. i was always treated like i was a ret*d goofball and had my bullies and the physical, mental, emotional, social abuse and that continued throughout college. my places of work thus far in my adult life have been rather tame albeit most not lasting more than a year. i have worked in a call center and with me at the time living on my own for the first time, tried to gel with people and essentially i just felt like a little fly on the wall surrounded by a couple hundred people. a warehouse job was too rigid with very little reason/freedom to socialize and even at lunch, it was just to pass the time and listen people talk about whatever the hell they wanted. my most recent job in a company i have worked for in two different locations, out of the past 5 out of 6 years was pretty hopeless in that i never got close to anyone other than a random night of drinking here and there, and never developed those essential personal/professional development mentor type of relationships. so no you are not alone with this "problem".
yes, I know how you feel. It's very much the same for me, but it's getting better the more I practice.
There is nothing wrong with not having an active facebook page, and there is nothing wrong with not having a huge group of frenemies. My best friend from high school was very popular (we were an odd pair) and the one valuable thing I learned from that was her popularity did not bring her friendship. Sure there were people who liked her, but she often said that she didn't have many true friends. So basically, it only feels like everyone else has friends. That's not actually the case. It's a rather pessimistic view of human relationships, but I've lived long enough to know.
Instead of trying to seek out friends that are not interested in reciprocating, join a group that fits more with your own world. One thing I realized, is that when my outside world matches my inside world, all those negative symptoms just disappear. For example, I always become really convivial at the dog park, because dogs were my special interest from childhood. I'm also really gregarious when I'm at bike races, because my interest agrees with my external environment. Hopefully you can figure out something that works for you. It will make you a happier person, and that will allay your frustration.
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.
i really like rabidmonkeys post, finding that niche where we can be happy is what where all after. You acknowledge that trying to fit in with the facebook hype and socializing with certain people isnt getting you fullfillment, so hopefully you find other people and places that WILL do this for you.
It sucks that you have to go through all this, and you blame it on yourself. Which i would say is crazy, you blame yourself for others treating YOU badly ?, its their action after all. Its like the jews saying they brought it on themselves which is complete bs.
In an ideal situation you would judge yourself based on your own actions, from your post it doesnt seem like you are doing bad things.
I think its possible to detach yourself from others actions to some degree, Its necesarry since this is where most of our misery comes from.
Others treat you badly and you feel bad because of it. This i just stupid and we should not let it get us down.
While you are doing your best at staying positive towards people and life, you still feel bad because of how OTHER people behave. So whenever you feel bad ask yourself this, judging by my actions should i feel bad ?. IF its yes change your actions to ones you can be proud of, if its no your bad feeling can be attributed to others actions and therefore has nothing to do with you.
Focussing on your own actions instead of the result and reactions of others is the only way to keep a healthy attitude.
That is exactly what it is like for me. I never get invited anywhere and when I try and have a party nobody ever shows up. I have been in trouble a number of times at work. I work part time at ASDA (Britain's Wal Mart) on the checkouts or kiosk or the self scan checkouts, all of these mean talking and having a conversation with customers which I find very very hard to do especially as I don't know them. I have been in trouble for not talking to them. If I do it once more I will get suspended and then maybe even lose my job.
I've always been made to feel like a freak at school. Especially grammar school and in the sixth form too. University was a bit better but I found it too unorganised to be able to study effectively as I never knew what I was supposed to be reading and when to help my studies. Now I learn from home instead. Learning from home makes it even harder to make friends as I only leave to go to my part time job or to go food and clothes shopping.
I live on my own. I moved out of my parents house 6 months ago and I like been able to do what I want and having proper structure. I am the oldest of 6 even though there are only 5 of us left now as my sister (the next oldest after me) died when she was a baby. I was 2 and a half at the time and I remember the day in great detail. Coming from such a big family means that my parents house was always very chaotic. I still go to my parents 2 or 3 times a week so I can get proper food. I am very clumsy so can't really cook a proper meal only ready meals or pizzas. My Mum is my best friend and always has been.
You should stop and consider whether you'd actually want to get invited. I don't know about you, but I value my alone time. If you want to be social, find a group that fits you and that you are actually interested in. I don't mind not having lunch buddies but much like you, I thought that meant I was aberrant and defective. I love that my social life centers around cycling and music (I'm a piano teacher). Don't feel obligated to fit into a group that won't reciprocate your friendship. It's unrealistic and it's not very healthy for your self-esteem.
I guess the proper statement is; don't be a product of your environment, let your environment be a product of you.
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.
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