I didn't have an issue with specific fabrics, but did have a similar issue. I went to schools that didn't allow students to wear short pants so we always wore jeans or uniforms depending on the school.
During the summer time when the weather was hot, my parents would want me to wear short pants but the sensations of wind blowing on my legs and some other things touching them were uncomfortable to me so I didn't want to wear shorts. I wanted to wear long pants, even when it was 90F+ degrees outside. This drove my parents up the wall and we ended up in a never ending fight over short pants vs. long pants. If I was seen in long pants, I'd get screamed at, threatened, and sent back to my room to put on short pants. One summer they actually went as far as taking all the long pants out of my closet and telling me they had given them away and all I'd have from then on was shorts. When school started again, they gave the ones that still fit back and got my new clothes for school but still, it was a mean thing to do. The only way to combat the sensations was to try and stay indoors as much as possible, which my parents also had issue with, but that's another story for another time.
In later years, the discomfort did go away and I will wear shorts when it gets too hot, I still prefer long pants.
"I am not a number, I am a free man!"