HelloLovely wrote:
Im sorry if i made anyone feel bad about having AS!
Im honestly proud to have it and I see it as a blessing, rather than a curse.
I just didnt know if i should tell people or not.
Dont worry about it, you are only trying to get help. To be honest with you im facing the exact same problem, its not that were ashamed of it, its just that society likes to categorize anything out of the ordinary as weird, abnormal, and theyll throw u into the bin of life labeled FREAK. I have been thinking that if you really do think the person is your friend maybe just sit down with them, tell them about your A.S, and explain just what it is. explain that its not some deadly diesease like aids or that it doesnt mean your mentally ill, it just means you have a different way of thinking and that you want them to accept you for who you are, if they are your friend i bet they will.