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01 Apr 2011, 6:34 am

[begin rant]
Dear Colleague,

Before I went on holiday, I emptied my email inbox, got my task list all sorted out for my return, cleared up my desk so it was clean and tidy and organised for my return.

When I get back to work there is stuff on my desk. You have been using it as "overflow".

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

It's my f'ing desk. You have your own. If you can't keep it f'ing organised that's not my f'ing problem. Don't mess with my stuff. Please don't mess with my stuff.

Coming back to work is hard enough without my expectation of walking up to my nice tidy desk being screwed over in the first minute of the day.

My first day back, we had a meeting to plan and divvy up tasks for the next few months. Very helpful - I like to know what I'm going to be doing. I noted down carefully the tasks I am allocated being very aware of my time and energy limitations so that I don't take on anything that leads to overload/meltdown which would mean that I accomplish zero.

Today you have been working through your notes and allocating me things that I did not accept at the meeting. Not only that, but things that you accepted at the time! If you can't manage your own f'ing time, and end up taking on too much, don't manage mine. You're messing with my stuff again!!

I like you. I really do. You are a good man, with a good heart and you do a good job. But please just don't f'ing mess with my stuff!! ! Please.

And also: please, please, please stop talking now and again so I can focus get some bloody work done.

Needless to say I haven't managed any today. And probably won't now I'm so fricking worked up.

Thanks a bunch,

[/rant over]

Phew. Thanks WP for the space to rant.


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01 Apr 2011, 9:25 am

I feel your pain. Did you tell him that you don't have time to do his extra tasks?

I signed in to work this morning to find that someone had renamed and rearranged everything, so now I have no idea what's going on. This was 9 AM. It's now 10:30 and I haven't yet found the strength to deal with it. My brain has shut off.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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01 Apr 2011, 4:30 pm

Wow. I'm fairly sure I'd be ranting too if that happened to me.

Best of luck in dealing with this guy and the workload.

Apologies if I sound judgmental, preachy, dictatorial, offensive or overly rigid. Constructive criticism via PM is welcome.

Snowy Owl
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03 Apr 2011, 12:57 am

One sure fire way to piss me off is to mess with my stuff, I feel your pain.


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03 Apr 2011, 1:48 am

I feel the same way. I hate when people mess with my stuff!


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03 Apr 2011, 1:00 pm

I can't stand it when people mess with my stuff.

The Family Enigma