pascalflower wrote:
when modern astronomy accepted the view that the earth revolved around the sun, instead of the other way around, nothing changed about earth or the people on it. The orbits of the celestial bodies however could be understood better in terms of mathematical orbits rather than guessing or believing in supernatural forces at play.
A label fix a name to a set of experiences, like an equation can fix an orbit to a set of points. Nothing has changed about the things themselves, only the way we talk about them.
Victimization is just another way of saying nothing is abnormal, we can all just pretend that what's happening isn't really happening. I think many people have been doing that their whole lives, and it didn't help them one bit.
I can't agree more with this. I never had an official diagnosis, I figured it out on my own by reading books and doing lots of research. Realizing I have AS now has made my life better because it gave me an identity. Before, I went through life accepting that I had difficulties, trying to strive for things I could never achieve. Now, that I am very well aware of the reason behind my difficulties and actually understanding the mechanics behind them, I still haven't been able to eliminate them, but to some degree I can kind of take control, kind of like taking control of a dream after being made aware that you are dreaming. The anxiety still exists, the social difficulties are still there, but at least I know why, and knowing has made me more confident.
The two psychologists I went to both agreed that I had AS, but they never gave me an official diagnosis. I know I have it, and I'm proud of it, and proud of the person I am.