It's much easier for me to communicate online, but still not easy for me to say hi so forgive me as I struggle with this post.
I'm 36, a college student (physics major), and have struggled with social interaction all my life. I have never been sure of what to say and I'm fairly certain when I do say something, it's wrong in some way. Sometimes someone will call me out on it, I then quickly apologize. I have tried to have parties but I become so overwhelmed I will go and hide in my bedroom sometimes for an hour, sometimes for the whole party. I never know how to stand while in conversation, if I should join a conversation physically, or how long to look at someone. I have been told I stare so I have been working on looking away when I catch the other person doing so, trying to just mimic their behavior. I often forget to ask others about themselves or how they're doing, how their kids are, ect with the exception that I have gotten into the habit that if someone asks me, "how are you?" I answer with, "fine, how are you?". This habit has helped me greatly. Starting and ending conversations is a problem as well. I have no idea how to start a conversation or finish one - or know when it's finished.
I have never been diagnosed, but I'm going to be speaking with my doctor about this because I'm not sure who to talk to about it. I will say, since I have been reading about AS, I suddenly feel better feeling that there is an answer to all of this struggle and that I'm not so alone. Thanks for just even starting this site. Nice to mee you all