One big problem is actually explaining what kind of hair cut I want, I never get what I am trying to say across very well so I never know exactly how my hair is going to turn out.
Yeah, that's a real problem, it's hard to come out with what you want unless it's a trim or something.. and half the time they do that different, too.
For me, I like to get haircuts to stop my hair from looking boring.. It looks terrible at the moment, it's well past my shoulders and I think I can do with a change, it needs to be coloured, too, as I've got about 3 inches of roots.
What I don't like is booking the cut... I always procrastinate doing it.
I enjoy most of it, but when they want you to put your head in the sink it is uncomfortable to lie on.
They never seem to colour it how I want, either.. it's more a hassle than anything.