mybigmouth wrote:
If Im on sensory overload Im liable to cry like a baby. Im constantly in my head and questioning myself needing affirmation from those around me that Im doing ok, even I get annoyed with myself ! !! I don't think there is a day where I don't go through these mini deaths I call them. I feel like Im dying each time. So i guess i wished I could have a day without a meltdown.
wavefreak58 wrote:
I rarely go through what would be considered to be a melt down. I go the other direction and shut down. When stressors pile up, my brain kicks into neutral and I become stupid.
Maybe meltdowns and shutdowns are distinguished from each other only in the natures of their manifestations. I have had vehicles "melt down" (as in electrical fires) and cause a lot of extremely-challenging excitement at the time, and I have also had them just outright "quit" and roll to a complete stop.
Sensory overload tends to cause "electrical fires" in my mind, and "emotional overload" can cause me to burst into tears ... but then an actual shutdown seems to even further undermine all infrastructure at once.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.