This afternoon, less than a day before the deadline for submitting the first draft for my term paper, I found out what I should write about. Unfortunately, the kind of blogs I was looking for suddenly seemed impossible to find... I have googled and searched the forum here.
What I need to find is examples of pedantic, hypercorrect or formal language used to add emphasis to sarcasm etc, and the same kind of language used together with topics/words that can be seen as provocative and so on. (I intend to call the essay Autistic writing: breaking norms with hypercorrect language. It's supposed to be a linguistic survey (English)).
Of course, I will keep searching on my own, but I would really appreciate help with finding sources (mainly blogs, but if you have seen a post where I could find such examples here, I can certainly use that too).
Just to give an example of the kind of texts I'm looking for, I tried to add a link to my own blog, but I haven't posted enough to be allowed to do that. If you're interested, it's called "Theories of my mind" (blogspot).